Repove Whole Bodywash Essence

Repove Whole Bodywash Essence

Repove Whole Bodywash Essence, as the name suggests, is used for cleaning every part of the body, from hair, face, and the body. It is the result of our patented fermentation technology which regulates the micro-organism cultures on our skin, resulting in the most healthy and trouble-free skin.

  • Hydroethosome®
  • Hydropartisome®
  • Partibiome®
Active ingredients:
  • Triaction Peptosome™
  • White Complexsome™
  • Polyphenols
  • Inulin

Key Benefits

for sensitive skin.
Prevents rash, pimples
and other skin troubles
Supplies nutrients
through follicles
Suitable for all ages
from infant to adults